Having sexual activity repeatedly affect the neural system? Is it good to have sex more number of times in a day?

Participating in sex is the part of your daily life it is our normal activity which resemble our healthy body. When a person gets away from the love of his partner this shows his symptoms of ill health because the first senses of your personal problem is known to heart and mind, you feel that something is wrong in me, but not able to fix it. The time you start to figure it out another problem will stare at you.
For a romantic person sex intercourse inadvertently helps him to improve his ability of control but repeated participation will affect the body function activity because human body is a superb machine it requires maintenance, repairs, and all other activities which requires a specific time. So have your good time three times a day which is good enough which fills your ability and enjoyment for long number of years otherwise your enthusiasm will last only ten years.
Teenager doesn't bother about this stuff they do not follow any rules of themselves and do not maintain any discipline and respect in sex that’s why they could enjoy life for 5 to 6 year only with their partners and lead to divorces. For young guys out their practice and maintain good neural system lifelong by having sufficient sex which improve your nerves sensitivity but don’t strain them and do not impose sudden pressure. Do it slow and increase your power of strokes, finish it with full satisfaction.
You could observe that all the nerves should participate when you do sex and exercise. Intensively practicing will strain the nerves system and led to paralysis. The fact you should know is that nerves are only stuff that do not grow or build up once they are damaged. They only stretch from the age of 10 because of the elastic nature. So daily massage your adult parts and nerves which bulge when they are in action. 


Are you suffering from the hypertension then by just doing a regular exercise alone will not control you blood pressure but by practicing regular intercourse will surely help you, it almost will control your blood pressure due to tensions and work stress. Of course it’s been stated by scientist and doctors. When you admire your partner make it has regular practice by a slow grooming and kissing each other, note that never think of other and other activities, take a deep breath every time, where ever you kiss your partner, it will help you to move slow and take a long time in spend at the parts of body you like most. This action causes your heart beat and heart muscles to get relaxed and have constant beat. All the blood-clots will disappear with the hormones produced during your good time. Never finish the job quickly, do it as much time it takes if it’s not possible to have everyday do it for every three days. Sucking also help a lot in controlling the blood pressure and it is such an internal activity which stimulate the side and surrounding muscles of the heart and have a good fat burn out, all the cholesterol will be dissolved in the warm blood which is heated up by your sexual activity. Got that! your blood become hot not by outer source which are harmful but in your body itself a warmth generates which is only produced during a best sex and keep your heart alive for a long, long time with good health without any medicines.