Body Weight and Sex

Be aware of the body weight you have, otherwise it will be difficult to have sex with your partner. Uneducated sex practice will increase weight of the body, while you participate in a intercourse just penetrating your penis into the vagina with full thrust and pressure; make her feel your domination. So much of energy is lost in few minutes and your body gets strained in couple of seconds, just by Cumming into her. If you do this every day than it does not harm much but it is not at all a good practice, but after your good time if you drink or eat any of the food stuff than this is the step which triggers your body weight. Strained body will be hunger and allow all the food and then stores it into fat for energy when you have sex next it will use this energy so that you have more pleasure, but if you do it such a eager and finish it in couple of minutes than it will harm your body functioning all the excess energy converts into fat.

Based on the poster you have sex will affect your bell to grow fat in it, a simple and most likely poster is hug penetration you will be on top of her and insert, with to and fro movement, during this mechanism stomach muscle are highly play role and get strained providing enough thrust, this strained muscle when get relaxed they absorb all the fat present in body, gradually your belly starts to increase.

To avoid this just slow down your process and have even penetration and do not drink or eat after you finish out, this will help you keep control of your body weight. If by birth you have excess weight than you can decrease it by participating in regular sex twice daily with slow movements this is a best and excellent method to decrease weight. No machine will match with this.

Penis Enlargement

The men sex organ "PENIS" is very important, without a perfect size he cannot get satisfied and even he will not satisfy his partners desire. when a boy grows from childhood to adult body changes will takes place which can be observed by the varying size of penis, it gets increasing till the age of 28 and when he become a man it gets a final length, an average size one should have is about 5.8 to 6 inches, this length is perfect and the width will be about  2.5 to 3 inches in diameter, more than this or lesser in dimensions will cause some difficulty during sex and the partner could not enjoy enough time, if suppose on has a size of 10 inches when it is at sex mood, he could have difficult at the age of 50 and he feel hard to make it straight, or if it erects about 3 inch only, their is no chance of penetration in to 10 inch deep vagina of the women, women feel sense up to 2-3 inch from enters, all the stimulation muscles are present up to this length. 
To enlarge your penis their are method which are successful by surgery, exercise and pills. The best of all the method is by oil massage,masturbating and oral sex by your partner.
Oil massage : It is a first step for a  boy to increase his penis size in all dimension, just by applying some good olive oil all around the tip to edge while sitting straight in a chair with relax mode, concentrating to get penis enlarged and by make your will to be sensed by the muscles of penis, the best time for practice are early morning and before bed time. Drink plenty of water about a bottle, which will help to control the heat and water loss during the massage, catch your ball with left hand and apply oil to your right hand grab at the root of the penis and push toward your tip do it till it gets harder, then slowly push from front of the tip toward the root, their will be a small attachment to the tip and skin which cover the tip, it should massaged well because it is one of the cause which stops growth of penis by dragging the tip back. Rub slowly  so that it reach its ultimate length. one auxiliary tip for this practice is that, 'Do not use tight undergarments, use comfortable trousers'.    

Technical masturbating to increase the size of penis:
Masturbating is a systematic procedure to be practiced for the growth of a penis right from teenage, it helps in good blood circulation and nerve stretching, do not squeeze it hard. Take enough time to make it erect to its length; where you will reach your highest heart beat which produce maximum pressure required to make your penis fill up with blood in between the muscle and make them to bulge. Now your task is to build up the blood pressure with less frequency and train your heart to produce pressure gradually and enhance the growth of penis, take a relax position never masturbate by standing position, sitting position is better make the nerves to stimulate and the main nerve which is below to the penis is most important  where all the cum and sperm stuff will be flushed out and your can control your climax with never only, if you practice well you can have sex without causing pregnancy to a women.
The most sensing part is tip so never go to the tip first, start with the root and push it with pressure to wards forward an do it till you cum don’t apply pressure backward more than forward this will make the penis to enlarge to it limit gradually. 

Oral sex practice:
A believe on medical science is a must but completely depending on it will make you addicted to the drugs and the side effect which come out after some course of time, makes you feel much worse than the situation right now you are, yes the fact is that a strong and large cock will give better pleasure to you and your partner,  to fulfill the desire and love of sex will be accomplished only by healthy body and parts, so it is common a women need a perfect cock to fuck  her hard and Cum on her, the secret of women lies deep inside to reach them a cock should about 6 -7 inch range, and even they like the cock head very much, as they suck like a lolly pop, there tongue, lips and mouth will play important role in increase the size of the cock and so oral sex practice is to be a part of daily life, to get it stronger and healthier day by day, women should suck the cock into their mouth so that it will elongate and grow by the sucking pressure,  and even the tendency of cock to enlarge will be increased and make it grew along with nerves  with the help of teeth’s rubbing from the tip to dick, will make cock to get the strong muscle growth and this will be forever.  Due oral sex practice you have longer sex and satisfied deep penetration to the pussy.

Just Married And Dreaming About Having Beautiful Son Or Daughter?

Well, Wish You a Happy Marry Life, for all cute young couples. The best moments which you will never get back, but the moments which are filled with love will be carried forever, the dreams of affection and sharing, thinking about the person in every moment, where ever you are or whatever you do. Preplanning about the family and spending time in the thought of your lovely son or daughter are the first responsibilities for all new couples. Every parent has the same feel about their loved ones.

Some important tips which could help are the steps to be followed before and after the pregnancy of the mother which are crucial for the growth of the baby, when couples are ready, mentally and physically for the baby they should follow simple steps; as they should spend time together and should not watch horror, abused movies and even should not participate any sensitive issues of the family, show your care to each other and do not involve in any situation which lead to hypertension and depression. This activity will prepare your body strong and ready for the intercourse. Participate in slow and smooth sexual activities for duration of once or twice a day for about 10 to 15 day. Good posters are available. After the duration of confirmation of pregnancy by second or third month it is more sensitive time for a father and mother.

Playing video games, chess (important) and studying book of leaders and poets, watching nature and praying God, daily about 30 to 40 minutes each by regular intervals will help a lot. Spend time in a garden because nature blesses the baby with soft breezes and sweet smell.

Have food with high nutrition and always take medicines which are prescribed by the doctor after taking food at any occasion. Do take any medicine with empty stomach and remember to consume medicine in time and after 15 min of a nice meal. Fruits are best for ever. Do not prefer soft drinks and Alcohol; they will decrease the growth of brain cells.

Father should take more care he should not go to any of the funeral, should not get anger on anybody. Dance with her slowly with good music which will make baby happy. Baby listens and learns in the womb itself, the voices also are heard by him.

One important caution is that please avoid your pets away to protect your hygiene.

Do Starving Cut down Weight, Unreasonable Starving Also Increases Your Body Weight.

Commonly people think of losing weight is simple and can be achieved by avoiding the food for once or twice in a week at noon times or by just skipping out the dinner or lunch for a day in a week, they assume this method will be controlling the weight of the body. But when they feel hunger they eat more than they could eat before starving. This becomes a habit which most of the people adapted and failed to control their diet which leads sudden increase in body weight. When people starve it is the fact that all the fat content in the body will starting burning out to supply energy for the body to its normal functions. Human body works on the principle of nature that when some quantity of material is consumed it should be converted into another form and space left should be filled up by another material.
When you take food or fluid after a starve make sure it should not contain more fatty material and sugars these are the things which trigger the weight of the body to even more to store higher concentration of the fat and even a new functioning method of the human cell begins to work that, a scum water will also be stored along with the sugar compound leading to obesity.
Best way to control weight for starving practices is to have less food rather than avoiding or skipping off complete meals or breakfast. Gradually decrease the quantity of food and take only nutrition food, when you feel hunger after lunch or supper prefer fruits. Do not eat at mid night hours. This way your body weight slowly comes into your control.
  Have food just to feel the taste of it not to eat it as animals. Skipping the intervals of food intake will harm the digestive system because as a regular practice acidic mixture releases to burn the food and extract the vital compounds required for the body. When a sudden change is made this excreted acid mixture will catalyze to produce the formation of ulcers and develop gastric problems later on.
So to decrease your weight have less quantity at regular intervals and do simple exercise. No need to spend money for that. But this procedure will take some time to get back your good shape. One should have strong aim for his or her health care, not bothering about others thoughts and feels. Everybody wants to dominate by their good sexy shape and beauty. 

Using Laptop Continuously Will Decrease Your Sperm Count.

After the invention of computers and personal systems, communication boosted up to reach the skies. Now a day’s, we can find people moving around with cool laptop and working on them whole day. Teenagers cannot leave them a moment, complete life style is been changed but they are not aware about the harm they do while working with those gadgets. Human cells are organic in nature and regulate their function according to the surrounding conditions as of temperature and humidity. These gadgets contain lot of electronic equipments which produce heat in the form of electromagnetic and microwaves. When functioning with wireless network they are exposed to more radio frequencies.
The way a laptop is used is not the good poster for every individual whether for male or female personals because when this laptop system is placed on the laps in a sitting position after an hour or so heat will transfer directly to body’s vital reproduction organs which will disturb the temperature condition of the sperm producing mechanism.  Genitals transfer heat to and fro from surrounding temperature condition of the body for producing the required quantity of sperm of male person. But excess heat is pushed into the parts which are burden to their capacities by the laptop’s bottom panel. 
This will decrease the production of good health sperms. This error of operation will upset complete reproductive cycle and even disturb the hormone balance leading to depressions. Females should completely avoid placing laptop on their lap because their periodic cycle will be affected and even the mother womb will produce some fatty materials. If it is necessary than for every 30 min remove the laptop form the sitting position and have walk for a moment and continue your precious work.  

A Tip for 100 percent pregnancy, caution during intercourse for safe pregnancy.

Pregnancy is the vital activity in women’s body this article is not only considered for women but men too. Both partners should take complete responsibility over the most amazing creation process which depends upon their characters, attitude, and health. Baby to be formed in the mother womb will be developed not only on the food or diet but the way an unseen energy of love is transferred from each individual that includes all the family members. Tips for pregnancy are in abundant but they are not reachable to the youngster so an important tip which is very crucial and simple can be well practiced. Before the inter course women should place a smooth towel or pillow below their hump and participate in smooth and lovely sex while taking a deep breath in between of time intervals and relaxing your body for few minutes, never hurry as the creation itself love to have best time. When fluids are released from both genitals do not get up from the poster which you’re in the climax. Especially women should sleep horizontally so that the fertility will occur and the egg and sperm can meet. The fertilized egg should move into the tube for its growth as this organic section is on the upper part of the vigina so slight angular position will help a lot for pregnancy. Fallow this procedure for daily once at the time of 6 to 7 O’clock which is the best time for the body and heart after the intercourse have dinner at 9 O’clock. This should be done by both so that soft path of life starts at dinner, share the item to each other have good fun and continue to show the attraction of sex by smooth and gentle kiss.This tip for pregnancy is a complete success in the pregnancy research. 

Having sexual activity repeatedly affect the neural system? Is it good to have sex more number of times in a day?

Participating in sex is the part of your daily life it is our normal activity which resemble our healthy body. When a person gets away from the love of his partner this shows his symptoms of ill health because the first senses of your personal problem is known to heart and mind, you feel that something is wrong in me, but not able to fix it. The time you start to figure it out another problem will stare at you.
For a romantic person sex intercourse inadvertently helps him to improve his ability of control but repeated participation will affect the body function activity because human body is a superb machine it requires maintenance, repairs, and all other activities which requires a specific time. So have your good time three times a day which is good enough which fills your ability and enjoyment for long number of years otherwise your enthusiasm will last only ten years.
Teenager doesn't bother about this stuff they do not follow any rules of themselves and do not maintain any discipline and respect in sex that’s why they could enjoy life for 5 to 6 year only with their partners and lead to divorces. For young guys out their practice and maintain good neural system lifelong by having sufficient sex which improve your nerves sensitivity but don’t strain them and do not impose sudden pressure. Do it slow and increase your power of strokes, finish it with full satisfaction.
You could observe that all the nerves should participate when you do sex and exercise. Intensively practicing will strain the nerves system and led to paralysis. The fact you should know is that nerves are only stuff that do not grow or build up once they are damaged. They only stretch from the age of 10 because of the elastic nature. So daily massage your adult parts and nerves which bulge when they are in action. 


Are you suffering from the hypertension then by just doing a regular exercise alone will not control you blood pressure but by practicing regular intercourse will surely help you, it almost will control your blood pressure due to tensions and work stress. Of course it’s been stated by scientist and doctors. When you admire your partner make it has regular practice by a slow grooming and kissing each other, note that never think of other and other activities, take a deep breath every time, where ever you kiss your partner, it will help you to move slow and take a long time in spend at the parts of body you like most. This action causes your heart beat and heart muscles to get relaxed and have constant beat. All the blood-clots will disappear with the hormones produced during your good time. Never finish the job quickly, do it as much time it takes if it’s not possible to have everyday do it for every three days. Sucking also help a lot in controlling the blood pressure and it is such an internal activity which stimulate the side and surrounding muscles of the heart and have a good fat burn out, all the cholesterol will be dissolved in the warm blood which is heated up by your sexual activity. Got that! your blood become hot not by outer source which are harmful but in your body itself a warmth generates which is only produced during a best sex and keep your heart alive for a long, long time with good health without any medicines.




We are happy to have a good meal and snacks which are of so tasty and delicious, our body is built to digest any form of food available in nature but these days we come across the problem of increasing weight in man and women especial more in women. By the research study made on the women and men, who increased their weight up on maintaining the diet which resemble today’s life style. They conclude that whatever we eat it should be followed with time schedule and most dangers thing people practice is that they go to sleep after having a lump sum of food. Even who sleep more at noon hours also increase their weight. They concluded a scientific reason also; those after taking lunch their body start to function more internally and drag the person to sleepiness so that internal organs could do their work. But we have taken enough food, so that the stomach is filled fully and no scope for space. All the internal digestive parts work to break down this stuff and when you go to sleep you feel very happy and comfort. Then some of the hormones which are release during digestion separate excess fat and store in the unmoved parts of the body. So this logic is very useful to train the body so that it will not do that and work as normal way and keep this fatty material ready to be consumed not to be stored. The best practice is not to sleep immediately after eating any stuff. This could help your weight in control. Train your body to have a good sleep, one hour after lunch or meals.


You can have the glories beautiful fair skin with a simple medication and practice without mush cost. A reasonable method for obtaining a fair skin without any side effect is very difficult now a day’s. But for a youngster it becomes an important issue to be handsome or beautiful among other colleagues. I know that. Fair skin gives you a good and positive look when you face the community; they get disappointed and discourage form other due to their dark skin. I am going introduce a simple medication which had changed the lifestyle of many youngsters and even this medication succeeded on the world dark skin of Africans. This gives the best result but I must assure that you should do as I suggested, any mistake may cause temporary fairness only because this medication is for permanent fairness. This doesn't cause much cost it is the product called MELA CARE from Ajanta Pharma Limited and HYCLEAN cream. Mix the two creams in 1:1 ratio and apply it around your face neck and even to hand which are exposed to the sunlight, dark spots, and hyperpigmented areas. Use this mix only in the night and sleep in the cool area. This will be preventing your hyper pigmentation and will make you fair enough. A common sense advice is not being exposed with in the sun and heat. Use some commonly available sunscreens during day to protect from uv light which harms your skin, the above composition is good at small amounts don’t use more than 2 gm.      


Smoking gives your mind relief from stress and tensions. One becomes smart and active after having enough dose of nicotine from the cigarette. People train their brain for these dosages and get addicted and show their interest on having the good time with it but the human body does not think so, has it is built of chemical structure. The real good time for the human body is having the satisfied sex with his/her partner. Sex is the most beautiful activity which keeps it healthy and develops strength.  The stamina of the body is wasted by inducing this nicotine from tobacco; one of the best processes to get rid of it is to have sex with your partner and love him/her with whole heart.
Your confident level will be increased and of course smoking boost your sexual feelings but it will not survive for longer period that is why people from old age and the successor in life have control on smoking habit. Now a day’s most of them do not know that the quality of the alcohol and cigars. They are been adulterated even the specification are not displayed to the open market.
This stuff cause cancer to the body and decrease the immune strength leading to unsatisfied sexual activities. Remember immunity is proportional to stamina of intercourse.
For the best, do prefer mostly wine for the beautiful skin and body, nothing else that to 30 to 50 ml a day. You will enjoy with full satisfaction. You have the pleasure for long time.   


Are you varied about your excess weight with bulged flesh around your waist and the abdomen? Why do people get compromised with their weight and build up their inferior among others. People who are married they start growing like balloons mostly ladies; increase their b**b size and a build round big abdomen. Which is out of their control, this one of the cause of water too? Talking about water intake of the body, I think most of you know your body is filled with 70 percent water. So your 70 percent weight is water based mixture, but you know or not this water will not stay in pure form has it is mixed with a lot of chemical, fatty substance, hormones and mucous whatever stuff you feel. The main and important thing you should remember is that not just how much water you drink but how you practice drinking it, that is standard operation procedure.

Some of the standard practices followed by most famous people from history are:

1.     Do not ever drinking water or any fluids immediately after having sex.
2.     Do not ever drink water or any fluids immediately after having shower or hot bath.
3.     Do not ever drink water or any fluids immediately while doing exercise.
4.     Do not drink and fluids after have a lot of food even in between?

These are just some case only there are many and simple practices which are in our control but one can do them with disciple only.  
Thus you can improve your sex ability to, which the above practices improve your stamina and have good romantic life


Most of the young couples want to have the best time with out any disturbance in their health activities. As you may not have any idea or knowledge about the sexual pleasure and the effect which it produce on your health, do not worry you have found the right place where all  the  imagination and confusion can be cleared for couple who are just married they spend most of the money to prevent pregnancy by using condoms and pills etc... during intercourse, must of them have no idea how not to get pregnant without the preventive accessories. Some simple but the best tips to prevent pregnancy are been advised by the experts from Ayurveda philosophers. A good famous practice for the unwanted pregnancy was the man work because during the climax of the intercourse the sperms of the male had to be expelled inside the female sex organs by which it will cause the egg of the female fertilize leading her to the path of pregnancy, so the concept is used to remove the genital of the male just before the climax and prevent the expel of the cum. For this one should practice and have a control on his movements.  For a health and fit persons only this could be possible because due to the stress by the occupation works their body will be out of control and regular exercise and balanced food will be important tools to practice this method. Most of the male adults are emotional and just finish their job they cannot control the cum which will leak during the intercourse. This methods test the fitness of a man.