We are happy to have a good meal and snacks which are of so tasty and delicious, our body is built to digest any form of food available in nature but these days we come across the problem of increasing weight in man and women especial more in women. By the research study made on the women and men, who increased their weight up on maintaining the diet which resemble today’s life style. They conclude that whatever we eat it should be followed with time schedule and most dangers thing people practice is that they go to sleep after having a lump sum of food. Even who sleep more at noon hours also increase their weight. They concluded a scientific reason also; those after taking lunch their body start to function more internally and drag the person to sleepiness so that internal organs could do their work. But we have taken enough food, so that the stomach is filled fully and no scope for space. All the internal digestive parts work to break down this stuff and when you go to sleep you feel very happy and comfort. Then some of the hormones which are release during digestion separate excess fat and store in the unmoved parts of the body. So this logic is very useful to train the body so that it will not do that and work as normal way and keep this fatty material ready to be consumed not to be stored. The best practice is not to sleep immediately after eating any stuff. This could help your weight in control. Train your body to have a good sleep, one hour after lunch or meals.